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(familiar subject)

  • 1 (a) familiar subject

    a familiar subject (song) знакомая тема (песня)

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (a) familiar subject

  • 2 familiar

    1) знакомый, привычный, обычный

    Her face seemed familiar to me. — ее лицо мне казалось знакомым.

    I'm familiar with these facts. — Я знаком с этими фактами. /Эти факты мне знакомы.

    - familiar face
    - familiar voice
    - familiar subject
    - familiar place
    - be familiar to smb
    - get familiar with smth
    - be familiar with smth
    2) интимный, фамильярный, бесцеремонный, нахальный

    Don't be too familiar with him, he is rather dishonest. — Не заводи с ним тесного знакомства, он не очень-то честен.

    He made himself much too familiar with my daughter. — Он был слишком фамильярным/бесцеремонным с моей дочерью

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > familiar

  • 3 familiar

    [fəmiliə] a ծանոթ. familiar voice/song/ name/subject ծանոթ ձայն/երգ/անուն/թեմա. be familiar ծանոթ լինել. make oneself familiar ծա նո թանալ. make oneself familiar with details մանրա մասնո րեն ծանոթանալ. (մտերիմ) be on familiar terms with մտերիմ լինել

    English-Armenian dictionary > familiar

  • 4 familiar

    [fə'mɪljə] adj
    1) знакомый, известный
    2) близкий; фамильярный

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > familiar

  • 5 familiar

    [fə'mɪlɪə] 1. adj
    1) до́бре обі́знаний, поінформо́ваний ( про - with)

    he is familiar with the subject — він розумі́ється (зна́ється) на цьо́му

    2) загальновідо́мий, про́сти́й, звича́йний
    3) близьки́й, дру́жній
    4) фамілья́рний, безцеремо́нний
    2. n
    близьки́й друг

    English-Ukrainian transcription dictionary > familiar

  • 6 (an) interesting subject

    an (a) interesting (dull, familiar, inexhaustible, excellent, attractive) subject интересная (скучная, знакомая, неисчерпаемая, отличная, привлекательная) тема

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (an) interesting subject

  • 7 home

    home [həʊm]
    maison1 (a) chez-soi1 (a) foyer1 (b) patrie1 (c) habitat1 (d) arrivée1 (f) début1 (g) chez soi2 (a) au pays natal2 (b) à fond2 (c) familial3 (a) à/pour la maison3 (b) national3 (c), 3 (d)
    1 noun
    (a) (one's house) maison f; (more subjectively) chez-soi m inv;
    I've come straight from home je viens (directement) de chez moi;
    a home from home un second chez-soi;
    I left home at sixteen j'ai quitté la maison à seize ans;
    her home is not far from mine sa maison n'est pas loin de chez moi;
    he insulted me in my own home! il m'a insulté sous mon propre toit!;
    to have a home of one's own avoir un foyer ou un chez-soi;
    how long has he been missing from home? depuis combien de temps a-t-il disparu de la maison?;
    to be away from home être parti ou absent ou en voyage;
    he was found far away from home on l'a trouvé loin de chez lui;
    his home is in Nice il habite Nice;
    Glasgow is her second home Glasgow est sa deuxième patrie;
    New York will always be home for me! c'est toujours à New York que je me sentirai chez moi!;
    when did she make her home in Hollywood? quand s'est-elle installée à Hollywood?;
    emigrants came to make their homes in Canada des émigrés sont venus s'installer au Canada;
    to give sb a home recueillir qn chez soi;
    they sell lovely things for the home ils vendent toutes sortes de très jolis accessoires pour la maison;
    they have a lovely home! c'est très agréable chez eux!;
    at home chez soi, à la maison;
    to stay at home rester à la maison;
    come and see me at home passez me voir à la maison;
    formal Mrs Carr is not at home on Mondays Mme Carr ne reçoit pas le lundi;
    there was nobody at home il n'y avait personne à la maison;
    make yourself at home faites comme chez vous;
    he made himself at home in the chair il s'est mis à l'aise dans le fauteuil;
    I don't feel at home here je me sens dépaysé ici, je ne me sens pas chez moi ici;
    she feels at home everywhere! elle est à l'aise partout!;
    to be or to feel at home with sth se sentir à l'aise avec qch;
    he doesn't yet feel at home with the machine il n'est pas encore à l'aise avec la machine;
    I work out of or at home je travaille à domicile ou chez moi;
    familiar what's that when it's at home? qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?;
    ironic don't you have a home to go to? tu as l'intention de passer la nuit ici?;
    proverb there's no place like home = on n'est vraiment bien que chez soi;
    proverb home is where the heart is = où le cœur aime, là est le foyer;
    home sweet home foyer, doux foyer
    (b) (family unit) foyer m; Administration habitation f, logement m;
    the father left home le père a abandonné le foyer;
    to start or to set up a home fonder un foyer;
    how are things at home? comment ça va chez toi?;
    are you having problems at home? est-ce que tu as des problèmes chez toi?;
    a happy home une famille heureuse;
    he comes from a good home il vient d'une famille comme il faut;
    (c) (native land) patrie f, pays m natal;
    it's the same at home c'est la même chose chez nous ou dans notre pays;
    at home and abroad dans notre pays et à l'étranger;
    figurative this discussion is getting a bit close to home! on aborde un sujet dangereux!;
    let's look at a situation closer to or nearer home examinons une situation qui nous concerne plus directement;
    Kentucky, the home of bourbon Kentucky, le pays du bourbon;
    the home of jazz le berceau du jazz
    (d) Botany & Zoology habitat m
    (e) (mental hospital) maison f de repos; (old people's home) maison f de retraite; (children's home) foyer m pour enfants
    (f) Sport (finishing line) arrivée f; (on board game) case f départ; (goal) but m;
    they play better at home ils jouent mieux sur leur terrain;
    Arsenal are playing at home on Saturday Arsenal joue à domicile samedi;
    to be at home to recevoir;
    the Rams meet the Braves at home les Rams jouent à domicile contre les Braves
    (a) (to or at one's house) chez soi, à la maison;
    to go home rentrer (chez soi ou à la maison);
    what time did you get home? à quelle heure est-ce que tu es rentré?;
    I'd better be getting home je crois qu'il est temps que je rentre chez moi;
    it's on my way home c'est sur mon chemin;
    she'll be home tonight elle sera à la maison ce soir;
    American to be home alone être tout seul à la maison;
    to see sb home raccompagner qn jusque chez lui/elle;
    to take sb home ramener qn chez lui/elle;
    Fido, home! Fido, rentre ou à la maison!;
    familiar it's nothing to write home about ça ne casse rien;
    familiar British home and dry, American home free sauvé
    (b) (from abroad) au pays natal, au pays;
    when did you get or come home? quand es-tu rentré?;
    to send sb home rapatrier qn;
    the grandparents want to go or to return home les grands-parents veulent rentrer dans leur pays
    (c) (all the way) à fond;
    to drive a nail home enfoncer un clou jusqu'au bout;
    the remark really went home le commentaire a fait mouche;
    to push home one's advantage profiter au maximum d'un avantage;
    it will come home to him some day il s'en rendra compte un jour;
    to bring sth home to sb faire comprendre ou voir qch à qn
    (a) (concerning family, household → life) de famille, familial; (→ for family consumption) familial, à usage familial
    (b) (to, for, at one's house) à ou pour la maison
    (c) (national → gen) national, du pays; (→ market, policy, sales) intérieur;
    to be on home ground (near home) être en pays de connaissance; figurative (familiar subject) être en terrain connu
    (d) Sport (team → national) national; (→ local) local;
    our home ground notre terrain;
    when they play at their home ground quand ils jouent sur leur terrain, quand ils reçoivent
    (person, animal) revenir ou rentrer chez soi; (pigeon) revenir au colombier
    ►► home address (on form) domicile m (permanent); (not business address) adresse f personnelle;
    Computing home automation domotique f;
    home baking Cookery (action) pâtisserie f; (cakes, biscuits) gâteaux mpl;
    Banking home banking banque f à domicile;
    Obstetrics home birth accouchement m à la maison;
    home brew (beer) bière f faite maison;
    home brewing (of beer) fabrication f de bière chez soi; American (illegal distilling) = distillation clandestine d'alcool chez soi;
    home cleaning products produits mpl ménagers;
    British home comforts confort m du foyer;
    Computing home computer ordinateur m familial;
    Computing home computing informatique f à domicile;
    home cooking cuisine f familiale;
    the Home Counties = l'ensemble des comtés limitrophes de Londres, à la population aisée et conservatrice;
    home country pays m natal;
    the home country le pays;
    home decorating décoration f intérieure;
    home delivery livraison f à domicile;
    home ec (UNCOUNT) économie f domestique;
    home economist spécialiste mf d'économie domestique;
    American Finance home equity loan prêt m sur valeur nette de la propriété;
    American Cookery home fries pommes de terre fpl sautées non pelées;
    home front (during war) arrière m;
    on the home front à l'arrière;
    what's the news on the home front? (in the home country) quelles sont les nouvelles du pays?;
    how are things on the home front? (at home) comment ça va à la maison?;
    home game match m à domicile;
    British History the Home Guard = section de volontaires de l'armée britannique restée sur le territoire pour le défendre en cas d'invasion;
    British home help aide f ménagère;
    home improvements travaux mpl de rénovation;
    Finance home improvement loan prêt m pour travaux de rénovation;
    home journey voyage m de retour;
    Computing home key touche f début;
    British Military home leave congé m au foyer;
    home life vie f de famille;
    Finance home loan prêt m immobilier, prêt m d'épargne-logement;
    home movie film m d'amateur;
    home news nouvelles fpl nationales;
    Politics the Home Office = le ministère britannique de l'Intérieur;
    American Commerce home office (of company) siège m social;
    home owner propriétaire mf;
    home ownership = fait d'être propriétaire de son logement;
    home ownership is increasing le nombre des personnes propriétaires de leur logement augmente;
    Computing home page (initial page) page f d'accueil; (start page in browser) page f d'accueil; (personal page) page f personnelle;
    Marketing home party selling vente f domiciliaire;
    home plate Sport (in baseball) bâton m, = plaque qui marque le début et la fin du parcours que doit effectuer le batteur pour marquer un point;
    Nautical home port port m d'attache;
    Economics home products produits mpl nationaux ou domestiques;
    home remedy remède m de bonne femme;
    Home Rule History (in Ireland) = gouvernement autonome de l'Irlande;
    home rule (devolution) décentralisation f;
    home run Sport (in baseball) coup m de circuit (coup de batte qui permet au batteur de marquer un point en faisant un tour complet en une seule fois); figurative (last leg of trip) dernière étape f du circuit;
    the ship/the delivery truck is on its home run le navire/le camion rentre à son port d'attache/au dépôt;
    School home schooling scolarisation f à domicile;
    Politics Home Secretary = ministre de l'Intérieur en Grande-Bretagne;
    Commerce home shopping téléachat m;
    American Home Show salon m des arts ménagers et de la décoration; Sport &
    figurative British home straight, American home stretch dernière ligne f droite;
    they're on or in the home straight ils sont dans la dernière ligne droite;
    Sport home team l'équipe f qui reçoit;
    home time = heure où l'on rentre à la maison;
    home town (of birth) ville f natale;
    (of upbringing) his home town la ville où il a grandi;
    home truth vérité f désagréable;
    to tell sb a few home truths dire ses (quatre) vérités à qn;
    I learnt some home truths about myself j'ai appris quelques vérités désagréables sur moi-même;
    home video = film vidéo réalisé par un particulier, généralement sur sa vie de famille;
    to watch sb's home videos regarder les cassettes vidéo filmées par qn;
    home visit (by doctor) visite f à domicile;
    home waters (territorial) eaux fpl territoriales; (near home port) eaux fpl voisines du port d'attache;
    Sport home win victoire f à domicile
    (a) (of missile) se diriger (automatiquement) sur ou vers; (proceed towards → goal) se diriger vers; figurative mettre le cap sur
    (b) (direct attention to → problem, solution) mettre l'accent sur; (→ difficulty, question) viser, cerner;
    I made one mistake and he homed in on it je n'ai fait qu'une seule faute mais il s'est fait un plaisir de me la faire remarquer
    HOME RULE On désigne ainsi le régime d'autonomie revendiqué par l'Irlande entre 1870 et 1914. Après plusieurs tentatives, une loi sur l'autonomie partielle fut votée en 1914. La mise en vigueur de cette loi, déjà compromise par l'opposition des protestants unionistes de l'Ulster, fut reportée lorsque la Première Guerre mondiale éclata en août 1914. À la suite de l'insurrection de Pâques à Dublin en 1916, les partisans du "Home Rule" revendiquèrent l'autonomie totale. La guerre pour l'indépendance (1918-21) aboutit au traité anglo-irlandais de 1921, qui établit la partition de l'île entre l'Irlande du Sud qui devenait quasiment indépendante et l'Irlande du Nord qui devait rester rattachée à la Grande-Bretagne.
    Don't try this at home Il s'agit d'un conseil donné aux spectateurs dans les émissions de télévision dans lesquelles figurent des tours dangereux et des cascades. Aujourd'hui, cette formule ("n'essayez pas de faire cela chez vous") est toujours utilisée par les présentateurs de télévision avec une pointe d'ironie et d'une manière plus générale par toute personne qui est sur le point de tenter quelque chose de dangereux.

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > home

  • 8 consabido

    1 well-known.
    2 notorious, arrant.
    3 typical.
    * * *
    1 formal (usual) usual, familiar
    2 (ya sabido) well-known
    * * *
    1) (=conocido) well-known; [frase] old, oft-repeated
    2) (=susodicho) above-mentioned
    * * *
    - da adjetivo (delante del n) usual

    las consabidas anécdotasthe same o usual old stories

    * * *
    - da adjetivo (delante del n) usual

    las consabidas anécdotasthe same o usual old stories

    * * *
    ( delante del n) usual, habitual
    bebió su consabido té con limón she drank her habitual o usual lemon tea
    empezó con sus consabidas anécdotas he started telling the same o usual old stories
    te sirven la consabida hamburguesa they serve up the ubiquitous hamburger
    * * *

    consabido,-a adjetivo usual, habitual: ... y ahora nos dirá la consabida frase de ánimo,... and now she will say her usual encouraging words
    ' consabido' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    consabido, -a adj
    1. [conocido] well-known;
    el consabido asunto de la subida de sueldo the all-too-familiar subject of pay Br rises o US raises
    2. [habitual] usual;
    tras la reunión se celebró la consabida cena after the meeting there was the usual o customary dinner
    * * *
    adj usual
    * * *
    consabido, -da adj
    : usual, typical

    Spanish-English dictionary > consabido

  • 9 brush up

    1 barrer (leaves, crumbs)
    2 pulir, repasar (familiar) (subject, language)
    3 lustrar.
    4 dar los toques finales a, retocar.
    5 acicalar.

    Nuevo Diccionario Inglés-Español > brush up

  • 10 paeds

    paeds, American peds [pi:dz]
    familiar (subject) pédiatrie f; (department) service m de pédiatrie

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > paeds

  • 11 Hedley, William

    b. 13 July 1779 Newburn, Northumberland, England
    d. 9 January 1843 Lanchester, Co. Durham, England
    English coal-mine manager, pioneer in the construction and use of steam locomotives.
    The Wylam wagonway passed Newburn, and Hedley, who went to school at Wylam, must have been familiar with this wagonway from childhood. It had been built c.1748 to carry coal from Wylam Colliery to the navigable limit of the Tyne at Lemington. In 1805 Hedley was appointed viewer, or manager, of Wylam Colliery by Christopher Blackett, who had inherited the colliery and wagonway in 1800. Unlike most Tyneside wagonways, the gradient of the Wylam line was insufficient for loaded wagons to run down by gravity and they had to be hauled by horses. Blackett had a locomotive, of the type designed by Richard Trevithick, built at Gateshead as early as 1804 but did not take delivery, probably because his wooden track was not strong enough. In 1808 Blackett and Hedley relaid the wagonway with plate rails of the type promoted by Benjamin Outram, and in 1812, following successful introduction of locomotives at Middleton by John Blenkinsop, Blackett asked Hedley to investigate the feasibility of locomotives at Wylam. The expense of re-laying with rack rails was unwelcome, and Hedley experimented to find out the relationship between the weight of a locomotive and the load it could move relying on its adhesion weight alone. He used first a model test carriage, which survives at the Science Museum, London, and then used a full-sized test carriage laden with weights in varying quantities and propelled by men turning handles. Having apparently satisfied himself on this point, he had a locomotive incorporating the frames and wheels of the test carriage built. The work was done at Wylam by Thomas Waters, who was familiar with the 1804 locomotive, Timothy Hackworth, foreman smith, and Jonathan Forster, enginewright. This locomotive, with cast-iron boiler and single cylinder, was unsatisfactory: Hackworth and Forster then built another locomotive to Hedley's design, with a wrought-iron return-tube boiler, two vertical external cylinders and drive via overhead beams through pinions to the two axles. This locomotive probably came into use in the spring of 1814: it performed well and further examples of the type were built. Their axle loading, however, was too great for the track and from about 1815 each locomotive was mounted on two four-wheeled bogies, the bogie having recently been invented by William Chapman. Hedley eventually left Wylam in 1827 to devote himself to other colliery interests. He supported the construction of the Clarence Railway, opened in 1833, and sent his coal over it in trains hauled by his own locomotives. Two of his Wylam locomotives survive— Puffing Billy at the Science Museum, London, and Wylam Dilly at the Royal Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh—though how much of these is original and how much dates from the period 1827–32, when the Wylam line was re-laid with edge rails and the locomotives reverted to four wheels (with flanges), is a matter of mild controversy.
    Further Reading
    P.R.B.Brooks, 1980, William Hedley Locomotive Pioneer, Newcastle upon Tyne: Tyne \& Wear Industrial Monuments Trust (a good recent short biography of Hedley, with bibliography).
    R.Young, 1975, Timothy Hackworth and the Locomotive, Shildon: Shildon "Stockton \& Darlington Railway" Silver Jubilee Committee; orig. pub. 1923, London.
    C.R.Warn, 1976, Waggonways and Early Railways of Northumberland, Newcastle upon Tyne: Frank Graham.

    Biographical history of technology > Hedley, William

  • 12 Brunschwig, Hieronymus

    SUBJECT AREA: Medical technology
    b. c.1440 Strasbourg, Alsace
    d. 1512/13 Strasbourg, Alsace
    German surgeon and chemist.
    Brunschwig was a widely read and highly respected surgeon of the city of Strasbourg. He was a writer of two works, one on surgery and the other, of greater importance, on chemical distillation. In this he was the inheritor of a tradition of the practice of distillation going back to the first centuries AD. The most familiar chemical tradition in the Middle Ages was that of alchemy, devoted to the attempt to make gold. The appearance of a number of printed books of a severely practical nature after 1500, however, testifies to the existence of a practical tradition that had flourished alongside alchemy. Brunsch-wig's first essay in this field was printed in 1500 and dealt with the preparation of "simples", or remedies with a single active constituent. In 1507 he brought out a work on the distilling of "composites", remedies with two or more active constituents. In these works Brunschwig sought to present a comprehensive account of the various kinds of apparatus available and the methods of preparing medicines, together with an account of the diseases it was hoped to cure with them. It was one of the earliest printed books on a chemical subject and the earliest to include illustrations of chemical apparatus. The works were widely used and did much to turn chemistry away from its preoccupation with gold-making, towards the making of substances useful in medicine.
    Further Reading
    The best account of Brunschwig's life and work is the introduction to Book of Distillation by Hieronymus Bruunschwig, 1971, introd. Harold J.Abrahams, New York, Johnson Reprint (the best account of Brunschwig's life and work).

    Biographical history of technology > Brunschwig, Hieronymus

  • 13 Barber, John

    baptized 22 October 1734 Greasley, Nottinghamshire, England
    d. 6 November 1801 Attleborough, Nuneaton, England
    English inventor of the gas turbine and jet propulsion.
    He was the son of Francis Barber, coalmaster of Greasley, and Elizabeth Fletcher. In his will of 1765. his uncle, John Fletcher, left the bulk of his property, including collieries and Stainsby House, Horsley Woodhouse, Derbyshire, to John Barber. Another uncle, Robert, bequeathed him property in the next village, Smalley. It is clear that at this time John Barber was a man of considerable means. On a tablet erected by John in 1767, he acknowledges his debt to his uncle John in the words "in remembrance of the man who trained him up from a youth". At this time John Barber was living at Stainsby House and had already been granted his first patent, in 1766. The contents of this patent, which included a reversible water turbine, and his subsequent patents, suggest that he was very familiar with mining equipment, including the Newcomen engine. It comes as rather a surprise that c.1784 he became bankrupt and had to leave Stainsby House, evidently moving to Attleborough. In a strange twist, a descendent of Mr Sitwell, the new owner, bought the prototype Akroyd Stuart oil engine from the Doncaster Show in 1891.
    The second and fifth (final) patents, in 1773 and 1792, were concerned with smelting and the third, in 1776, featured a boiler-mounted impulse steam turbine. The fourth and most important patent, in 1791, describes and engine that could be applied to the "grinding of corn, flints, etc.", "rolling, slitting, forging or battering iron and other metals", "turning of mills for spinning", "turning up coals and other minerals from mines", and "stamping of ores, raising water". Further, and importantly, the directing of the fluid stream into smelting furnaces or at the stern of ships to propel them is mentioned. The engine described comprised two retorts for heating coal or oil to produce an inflammable gas, one to operate while the other was cleansed and recharged. The resultant gas, together with the right amount of air, passed to a beam-operated pump and a water-cooled combustion chamber, and then to a water-cooled nozzle to an impulse gas turbine, which drove the pumps and provided the output. A clear description of the thermodynamic sequence known as the Joule Cycle (Brayton in the USA) is thus given. Further, the method of gas production predates Murdoch's lighting of the Soho foundry by gas.
    It seems unlikely that John Barber was able to get his engine to work; indeed, it was well over a hundred years before a continuous combustion chamber was achieved. However, the details of the specification, for example the use of cooling water jackets and injection, suggest that considerable experimentation had taken place.
    To be active in the taking out of patents over a period of 26 years is remarkable; that the best came after bankruptcy is more so. There is nothing to suggest that the cost of his experiments was the cause of his financial troubles.
    Further Reading
    A.K.Bruce, 1944, "John Barber and the gas turbine", Engineer 29 December: 506–8; 8 March (1946):216, 217.
    C.Lyle Cummins, 1976, Internal Fire, Carnot Press.

    Biographical history of technology > Barber, John

  • 14 Benton, Linn Boyd

    SUBJECT AREA: Paper and printing
    b. 13 May 1844 Little Falls, New York, USA
    d. 15 July 1932 Plainfield, New Jersey, USA
    American typefounder, cutter and designer, inventor of the automatic punch-cutting machine.
    Benton spent his childhood in Milwaukee and La Crosse, where he early showed a talent for mechanical invention. His father was a lawyer with an interest in newspapers and who acquired the Milwaukee Daily News. Benton became familiar with typesetting equipment in his father's newspaper office. He learned the printer's trade at another newspaper office, at La Crosse, and later worked as bookkeeper at a type foundry in Milwaukee. When that failed in 1873, Benton acquired the plant, and when he was joined by R.V.Waldo the firm became Benton, Waldo \& Co. Benton began learning and improving type-cutting practice. He first devised unit-width or "self-spacing" type which became popular with compositors, saving, it was reckoned, 20 per cent of their time. Meanwhile, Benton worked on a punch-cutting machine to speed up the process of cutting letters in the steel punches from which matrices or moulds were formed to enable type to be cast from molten metal. His first mechanical punch-cutter worked successfully in 1884. The third machine, patented in 1885, was the model that revolutionized the typefounding operation. So far, punch-cutting had been done by hand, a rare and expensive skill that was insufficient to meet the demands of the new typesetting machines, the monotype of Lanston and the linotype of Merganthaler. These were threatened with failure until Benton saved the day with his automatic punch-cutter. Mechanizing punch-cutting and the forming of matrices made possible the typesetting revolution brought about by mono-and linotype.
    In 1892 Benton's firm merged with others to form the American Type Founders Company. Benton's equipment was moved to New York and he with it, to become a board member and Chief Technical Advisor. In 1894 he became Manager of the company's new plant for type manufacture in Jersey City. Benton steadily improved both machinery and processes, for which he was granted twenty patents. With his son Morris Fuller, he was also notable and prolific in the field of type design. Benton remained in active association with his company until just two weeks before his death.
    Further Reading
    Obituary, 1932, Inland Printer (August): 53–4.
    P.Cost, 1985, "The contributions of Lyn [sic] Boyd Benton and Morris Fuller Benton to the technology of typesetting and the art of typeface design", unpublished MSc thesis, Rochester Institute of Technology (the most thorough treatment).
    H.L.Bullen, 1922, Inland Printer (October) (describes Benton's life and work).

    Biographical history of technology > Benton, Linn Boyd

  • 15 Crompton, Samuel

    SUBJECT AREA: Textiles
    b. 3 December 1753 Firwood, near Bolton, Lancashire, England
    d. 26 June 1827 Bolton, Lancashire, England
    English inventor of the spinning mule.
    Samuel Crompton was the son of a tenant farmer, George, who became the caretaker of the old house Hall-i-th-Wood, near Bolton, where he died in 1759. As a boy, Samuel helped his widowed mother in various tasks at home, including weaving. He liked music and made his own violin, with which he later was to earn some money to pay for tools for building his spinning mule. He was set to work at spinning and so in 1769 became familiar with the spinning jenny designed by James Hargreaves; he soon noticed the poor quality of the yarn produced and its tendency to break. Crompton became so exasperated with the jenny that in 1772 he decided to improve it. After seven years' work, in 1779 he produced his famous spinning "mule". He built the first one entirely by himself, principally from wood. He adapted rollers similar to those already patented by Arkwright for drawing out the cotton rovings, but it seems that he did not know of Arkwright's invention. The rollers were placed at the back of the mule and paid out the fibres to the spindles, which were mounted on a moving carriage that was drawn away from the rollers as the yarn was paid out. The spindles were rotated to put in twist. At the end of the draw, or shortly before, the rollers were stopped but the spindles continued to rotate. This not only twisted the yarn further, but slightly stretched it and so helped to even out any irregularities; it was this feature that gave the mule yarn extra quality. Then, after the spindles had been turned backwards to unwind the yarn from their tips, they were rotated in the spinning direction again and the yarn was wound on as the carriage was pushed up to the rollers.
    The mule was a very versatile machine, making it possible to spin almost every type of yarn. In fact, Samuel Crompton was soon producing yarn of a much finer quality than had ever been spun in Bolton, and people attempted to break into Hall-i-th-Wood to see how he produced it. Crompton did not patent his invention, perhaps because it consisted basically of the essential features of the earlier machines of Hargreaves and Arkwright, or perhaps through lack of funds. Under promise of a generous subscription, he disclosed his invention to the spinning industry, but was shabbily treated because most of the promised money was never paid. Crompton's first mule had forty-eight spindles, but it did not long remain in its original form for many people started to make improvements to it. The mule soon became more popular than Arkwright's waterframe because it could spin such fine yarn, which enabled weavers to produce the best muslin cloth, rivalling that woven in India and leading to an enormous expansion in the British cotton-textile industry. Crompton eventually saved enough capital to set up as a manufacturer himself and around 1784 he experimented with an improved carding engine, although he was not successful. In 1800, local manufacturers raised a sum of £500 for him, and eventually in 1812 he received a government grant of £5,000, but this was trifling in relation to the immense financial benefits his invention had conferred on the industry, to say nothing of his expenses. When Crompton was seeking evidence in 1811 to support his claim for financial assistance, he found that there were 4,209,570 mule spindles compared with 155,880 jenny and 310,516 waterframe spindles. He later set up as a bleacher and again as a cotton manufacturer, but only the gift of a small annuity by his friends saved him from dying in total poverty.
    Further Reading
    H.C.Cameron, 1951, Samuel Crompton, Inventor of the Spinning Mule, London (a rather discursive biography).
    Dobson \& Barlow Ltd, 1927, Samuel Crompton, the Inventor of the Spinning Mule, Bolton.
    G.J.French, 1859, The Life and Times of Samuel Crompton, Inventor of the Spinning Machine Called the Mule, London.
    The invention of the mule is fully described in H. Gatling, 1970, The Spinning Mule, Newton Abbot; W.English, 1969, The Textile Industry, London; R.L.Hills, 1970, Power in the Industrial Revolution, Manchester.
    C.Singer (ed.), 1958, A History of Technology, Vol. IV, Oxford: Clarendon Press (provides a brief account).

    Biographical history of technology > Crompton, Samuel

  • 16 Gilbert, Cass

    b. 24 November 1859 Zanesville, Ohio, USA
    d. 17 May 1934 Brockenhurst, Hampshire, England
    American architect who designed a variety of high-quality, large-scale public buildings in eclectic mode.
    Gilbert travelled widely in Europe before returning to the USA to join the well-known firm of McKim, Mead \& White, for whom he designed the Minnesota State Capitol at Saint Paul (1896–1903). This building, like the majority of Gilbert's work, was in classical form, the great dome modelled on that of Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome. Other designs, on similar classical themes, included his large US Customs House in New York (1907). The structure for which Gilbert is best known, however, was an adaptation of French Gothic style to a sixty-storeyed skyscraper. This was the Woolworth Building, an office tower of romantic silhouette in downtown New York (1913). In contra-distinction to the high-rise designs of Louis Sullivan, who broke new ground in relating the design of the building to the verticality of the structure, Gilbert continued the skyscraper pattern of earlier years by clothing the steel structure in eclectic manner unrelated to the form beneath. The result, if backward-looking, is an elegant, attractive and familiar part of the New York skyline.
    Further Reading
    W.H.Jordy, 1976, American Buildings and their Architects, Vol. 3, Garden City, New York: Anchor.
    W.Weisman, 1970, The Rise of American Architecture, New York: Praeger.

    Biographical history of technology > Gilbert, Cass

  • 17 Knight, John Peake

    b. 1828
    d. 1886
    English railway engineer, inventor of the first road traffic lights in Britain.
    Knight was initially employed as a clerk at the Midland Railway in Derby, and in 1846 he had a job in the audit office of the Brighton Railway. From 1854 to 1869 he was Superintendent of the South Eastern Railway and then became manager of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, a post he held until his death. During this period many improvements were put in hand, including the interlocking of signals, the block system, the incorporation of Westinghouse brakes (in 1878), Pullman cars (1877) and electric lighting.
    In 1868 it was decided to erect the first set of traffic lights in London in Bridge Street, New Palace Yard, Westminster, and the authorities naturally sought the advice of an engineer familiar with railway practice. Thus John Knight was called in, and red and green lights mounted on the ends of semaphore arms were duly installed. Unfortunately, a fault in the gas supply of this set of lights caused an explosion which killed a police constable.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Lieutenant-Colonel, Engineer and Railway Volunteer Staff Corps 1870–86. Associate, Institution of Civil Engineers 1872. Legion of Honour 1878.
    Further Reading
    Obituary, 1886, The Engineer 62.

    Biographical history of technology > Knight, John Peake

  • 18 Ricardo, Sir Harry Ralph

    b. 26 January 1885 London, England
    d. 18 May 1974 Graffham, Sussex, England
    English mechanical engineer; researcher, designer and developer of internal combustion engines.
    Harry Ricardo was the eldest child and only son of Halsey Ricardo (architect) and Catherine Rendel (daughter of Alexander Rendel, senior partner in the firm of consulting civil engineers that later became Rendel, Palmer and Tritton). He was educated at Rugby School and at Cambridge. While still at school, he designed and made a steam engine to drive his bicycle, and by the time he went up to Cambridge in 1903 he was a skilled craftsman. At Cambridge, he made a motor cycle powered by a petrol engine of his own design, and with this he won a fuel-consumption competition by covering almost 40 miles (64 km) on a quart (1.14 1) of petrol. This brought him to the attention of Professor Bertram Hopkinson, who invited him to help with research on turbulence and pre-ignition in internal combustion engines. After leaving Cambridge in 1907, he joined his grandfather's firm and became head of the design department for mechanical equipment used in civil engineering. In 1916 he was asked to help with the problem of loading tanks on to railway trucks. He was then given the task of designing and organizing the manufacture of engines for tanks, and the success of this enterprise encouraged him to set up his own establishment at Shoreham, devoted to research on, and design and development of, internal combustion engines.
    Leading on from the work with Hopkinson were his discoveries on the suppression of detonation in spark-ignition engines. He noted that the current paraffinic fuels were more prone to detonation than the aromatics, which were being discarded as they did not comply with the existing specifications because of their high specific gravity. He introduced the concepts of "highest useful compression ratio" (HUCR) and "toluene number" for fuel samples burned in a special variable compression-ratio engine. The toluene number was the proportion of toluene in heptane that gave the same HUCR as the fuel sample. Later, toluene was superseded by iso-octane to give the now familiar octane rating. He went on to improve the combustion in side-valve engines by increasing turbulence, shortening the flame path and minimizing the clearance between piston and head by concentrating the combustion space over the valves. By these means, the compression ratio could be increased to that used by overhead-valve engines before detonation intervened. The very hot poppet valve restricted the advancement of all internal combustion engines, so he turned his attention to eliminating it by use of the single sleeve-valve, this being developed with support from the Air Ministry. By the end of the Second World War some 130,000 such aero-engines had been built by Bristol, Napier and Rolls-Royce before the piston aero-engine was superseded by the gas turbine of Whittle. He even contributed to the success of the latter by developing a fuel control system for it.
    Concurrent with this was work on the diesel engine. He designed and developed the engine that halved the fuel consumption of London buses. He invented and perfected the "Comet" series of combustion chambers for diesel engines, and the Company was consulted by the vast majority of international internal combustion engine manufacturers. He published and lectured widely and fully deserved his many honours; he was elected FRS in 1929, was President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1944–5 and was knighted in 1948. This shy and modest, though very determined man was highly regarded by all who came into contact with him. It was said that research into internal combustion engines, his family and boats constituted all that he would wish from life.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Knighted 1948. FRS 1929. President, Institution of Mechanical Engineers 1944–5.
    1968, Memo \& Machines. The Pattern of My Life, London: Constable.
    Further Reading
    Sir William Hawthorne, 1976, "Harry Ralph Ricardo", Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 22.

    Biographical history of technology > Ricardo, Sir Harry Ralph

  • 19 Riche, Gaspard-Clair-François-Marie, Baron de Prony

    b. c. 1755 France d. c. 1839
    French mathematician who used the method of differences to calculate logarithms and trigonometric functions,
    Whilst Directeur of the Bureau du Cadastre, Prony was made responsible for a project to determine the trigonometric functions of the centesimal units of 90°, i.e. the right angle was successively divided into 100 grades containing 100 minutes, which in turn each consisted of 100 seconds. This work produced tables (known as the Table de Cadastre) of the natural sines to twenty-two decimal places and the logarithms of sines and tangents to fourteen places. Although the tables as calculated were never published, tables based on them (presumably derived for the more familiar degree, minute and second sub-divisions of a right-angle by interpolation) have since appeared.

    Biographical history of technology > Riche, Gaspard-Clair-François-Marie, Baron de Prony

  • 20 Riquet, Pierre Paul

    SUBJECT AREA: Canals, Civil engineering
    b. 29 June 1604 Béziers, Hérault, France
    d. 1 October 1680 buried at Toulouse, France
    French canal engineer and constructor of the Canal du Midi.
    Pierre Paul Riquet was the son of a wealthy lawyer whose ancestors came from Italy. In his education at the Jesuit College in Béziers he showed obvious natural ability in science and mathematics, but he received no formal engineering training. With his own and his wife's fortunes he was able to purchase a château at Verfeil, near Toulouse. In 1630 he was appointed a collector of the salt tax in Languedoc and in a short time became Lessee General (Fermier Général) of this tax for the whole province. This entailed constant travel through the district, with the result that he became very familiar with this part of the country. He also became involved in military contracting. He acquired a vast fortune out of both activities. At this time he pondered the possibility of building a canal from Toulouse to the Mediterranean beyond Béziers and, after further investigation as to possible water supplies, he wrote to Colbert in Paris on 16 November 1662 advocating the construction of the canal. Although the idea proved acceptable it was not until 27 May 1665 that Riquet was authorized to direct operations, and on 14 October 1666 he was given authority to construct the first part of the canal, from Toulouse to Trebes. Work started on 1 January 1667. By 1669 he had between 7,000 and 8,000 men employed on the work. Unhappily, Riquet died just over six months before the canal was completed, the official opening beingon 15 May 1681.
    Although Riquet's fame rightly rests on the Canal du Midi, probably the greatest work of its time in Europe, he was also consulted about and was responsible for other projects. He built an aqueduct on more than 100 arches to lead water into the grounds of the château of his friend the marquis de Castres. The plans for this work, which involved considerable practical difficulties, were finalized in 1670, and water flowed into the château grounds in 1676. Also in 1676, Riquet was commissioned to lead the waters of the river Ourcq into Paris; he drew up plans, but he was too busy to undertake the construction and on his death the work was shelved until Napoleon's time. He was responsible for the creation of the port of Sète on the Mediterranean at the end of the Canal du Midi. He was also consulted on the supply of water to the Palace of Versailles and on a proposed route which later became the Canal de Bourgogne. Riquet was a very remarkable man: when he started the construction of the canal he was well over 60 years old, an age at which most people are retiring, and lived almost to its completion.
    Further Reading
    L.T.C.Rolt, 1973, From Sea to Sea, London: Allen Lane; rev. ed. 1994, Bridgwater: Internet Ltd.
    Jean-Denis Bergasse, 1982–7, Le Canal de Midi, 4 vols, Hérault:—Vol. I: Pierre Paul Riquet et le Canal du Midi dans les arts et la littérature; Vol II: Trois Siècles de
    batellerie et de voyage; Vol. III: Des Siècles d'aventures humaine; Vol. IV: Grands Moments et grands sites.

    Biographical history of technology > Riquet, Pierre Paul

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